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Union calls teachers’ strike for the entire month of January

The Union of All Teachers (S.TO.P) declared a strike for the entire month of January 2023, as a form of protest against the latest government decisions, namely, the transfer of Education to the Coordination and Development Commissions Regional (CCDR) .

Order of the Council of Ministers no. 123/2022published this Wednesday, determines the transfer, distribution and articulation of the attributions of the peripheral services of the direct and indirect administration of the State in the coordination and regional development commissions.

After this order, “the best. He already sent strike notices for every day in January”since it is “extremely serious” to go from a “centralized entity at the national level to regional entities”, the national coordinator of STOPP, André Pestana.

It is now up to the regional coordination and development committees “to follow, coordinate and support the organization and operation of schools and the management of the respective human and material resources, promoting the development and consolidation of their autonomy”, reads the published office. in Republic Journal.

Teachers have clearly shown with this fight that they don’t really want to depend on nice profiles or other subjective methods or criteria, and for this reason, clearly, we want to keep professional graduation as the only placement criteria, in a transparent way. , with a list in which anyone can check if there has been undue overtaking or not”, he stressed.

André Pestana took the opportunity to challenge the Minister of Education, João Marques Costa, to hold a joint clarification session, a debate or a press conference, with union leaders to clarify the population.

THE BEST. rejects that the management of schools, particularly with regard to teaching staff, pass to the coordination and territorial development committees, specifically with the creation of the local council of inter-municipal directors for the distribution of teachers, since it takes away “transparency from the process” and consequently harms student learning in the future.

A national demonstration is scheduled for Saturday at Praça Marquês de Pombal in Lisbon, at which time the teachers will discuss whether to suspend or continue the strike.

An indefinite strike called by STOP has been running since Friday in protest against the proposals to change the tenders and demand answers to old problems.

Source: Observadora

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