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Chega’s request (voted with the help of the PS) forces a new postponement of the decision on the IRS specialty

According to Lusa, a possible postponement by Chega forced the postponement of the vote on the IRS proposals in the parliamentary committee. But for the postponement to be accepted, the help of the PS was necessary.

This request from Chega follows the one presented last week by the PS which would cause a new postponement of the vote on the text in the Budget, Finance and Public Administration Commission (Cofap). The request was accepted for a vote after an appeal from André Ventura’s party about whether the regulations allow up to a maximum of three possible postponements.

PS postpones vote on IRS reduction, but believes there are conditions to reach an agreement

The appeal, which had to be put to a vote after the president of Cofap considered that, in his opinion, there could only be a postponement (which happened last week) was voted favorably by the PS and that’s itwith the abstention of the Left Bloc and the vote against the PSD, CDS-PP and IL.

The discussion of the request that imposed the new postponement, as well as the appeal, were accompanied by accusations from the PSD and the CDS-PP to Chega and the PS of joining in an “opportunistic” manner. “What we are witnessing is once again that the PS and Chega join forces opportunistically,” said social democratic deputy Hugo Carneiro.

Paulo Núncio, leader of the CDS-PP bench, stated that this potential postponement “shows a new political alliance between PS and Chega to stop a measure that benefits the middle class”, also accusing the socialists of being “focused” on preventing the reduction of the IRS and Chega of being a “crutch” for the PS.

Carlos Pereira, of the PS, for his part, accused the AD coalition parties of “inability” to approve proposals, highlighting that his party “made an effort” to bring together the proposals that were generally considered by the plenary session. . “The PSD left a clean sheet, does not want this dialogue to take place and hastily presents a text [de substituição] approve quickly without carrying out this dialogue,” said Carlos Pereira. The socialists also reject that the Portuguese are going to lose with this new postponement, remembering that the initial calendar puts the date May 31 as a limit for the entry of amendment proposals.

Deputy Rui Afonso do Chega also stated that there is time “to comply with the stipulated calendar” and “reach a broad consensus to reduce the IRS” for the Portuguese.

The PSD and CDS-PP replacement text for the Government’s proposal on the IRS, as well as the proposals presented by the different parties, will be voted on at the next commission meeting that will take place next week. The next plenary session with voting is scheduled for June 21, a pause imposed by the electoral campaign period and the elections to the European Parliament.

On the sidelines of the Cofap meeting, Hugo Carneiro recalled that the replacement text signed by the PSD and the CDS-PP “is very close to the proposals presented by the Chega Party itself, the PS, the BE and the PCP” and accused Chega to reject any attempt at negotiation.

Paulo Núncio also accused Chega of “systematically choosing the PS as a political partner” in what he described as “cheringonça in its splendor.”

The two parties that support the Government presented a text to replace the Executive’s proposal on the reduction of the IRS, which maintains the reduction of this tax in the sixth, seventh and eighth brackets, although in the sixth with a lower reduction than the government. initially intended.

The marginal rate currently in force for the 6th, 7th and 8th brackets of the income tax is, respectively, 37%, 43.5% and 45%. The proposed change to the PSD points to rates of 35%, 43% and 44.75%, in the same order. The Government’s initial proposal was 34% for section 6 and identical to that of the replacement text for the rest.

The PS proposes a rate of 35.5% for the sixth level and maintains the current rates for the seventh and eighth levels unchanged.

Source: Observadora

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