HomeEconomyRTP remains the news brand that Portuguese people trust...

RTP remains the news brand that Portuguese people trust most

RTP remains the news brand that Portuguese people trust the most, with 79%, and Lusa “trusts 72%,” according to the report Reuters Digital News Report 2024 published this Monday.

In 2024, the classification The level of trust in news brands continues to be led by the public media service: 79% of Portuguese say they trust information transmitted by the RTP mark (one percentage point more than what was recorded in 2023)”, according to the Reuters Digital News Report 2024.

This is the 13th annual report of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ) and the 10th to include information on Portugal. In 2024, 47 news markets participated, including Portugal.

As a strategic partner, OberCom — Observatório da Comunicação collaborated with RISJ in the design of the questionnaire for Portugal, as well as in the final analysis and interpretation of the data.

In Second place SIC appears (78%), followed by Jornal de Notícias (77%) and Expresso (76%). They are followed by Rádio Comercial (75%), Public (74%), Renaissance Radio (73%) and TSF (72%).

The Lusa agency has the trust of 72% of the Portuguesehighlighting the particularity of Lusa’s reach that, as a news agency, does not tend to reach consumers directly, but through the use of its informative production by other media brands,” the study states.

In the group of informative radio stations, according to Reuters Digital News Report 2024 (Reuters DNR 2024), TSF and Antena 1 “have the trust of 72% and 71% of the Portuguese, respectively.”

On the contrary, “among the brands that the Portuguese trust the least is the Correio da Manha brand (53%), despite being a leader in the national marketin print and digital formats.

Also all local and regional media (65%) and the website. Up-to-the-minute news (68%) are among the brands that Portuguese people trust the least.

Source: Observadora

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