HomeEconomyPRR: payments amount to 4.616 billion euros at the...

PRR: payments amount to 4.616 billion euros at the end of June

Payments to direct and final beneficiaries of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) amounted to €4.616 billion as of 26 June, according to the latest monitoring report.

This amount corresponds to 21% of the allocation and contracted value and 25% of the approved amount.

Regarding last week, Beneficiaries received an additional 38 million euros..

The largest amounts received were from companies (1,747 million euros) and public entities (1,133 million euros).

So he public enterprises (496 million euros), local authorities and metropolitan areas (412 million euros), schools (275 million euros), institutions of higher education (178 million euros), the families (168 million euros) and the solidarity and social economy institutions (111 million euros).

At the end of the table They are the institutions of the scientific and technological system (97 million euros).

Project approvals amounted to 18.377 billion euros, an increase of 128 million euros.

Companies are leading the list of approvals (5.73 billion euros), followed by public entities (5.015 billion euros), public companies (2.758 billion euros) and local authorities and metropolitan areas (2.567 billion euros).

This is followed by higher education institutions (689 million euros), schools (619 million euros), institutions of the solidarity and social economy (443 million euros), institutions of the scientific and technological system (342 million euros) and, finally, families (213 million euros).

As of June 26, the PRR received 335,019 applications, a increase of 329.

221,919 applications (+49) were analyzed and 177,203 (+36) were approved.

Of the 463 milestones and objectives agreed with the European Union, Portugal has already met 105.

Brussels transferred to Portugal a total of 7.772 million euros.

Following the reprogramming of the PRR, approved in September 2023, the programme’s allocation rose to €22.216 billion.

The PRR, which has a deadline of execution until 2026, aims to implement a set of reforms and investments with a view to recovering economic growth.

In addition to aiming to repair the damage caused by Covid-19, this plan aims to purpose of supporting investments and generating employment.

Source: Observadora

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