HomeEconomyGovernment concludes SIADAP negotiations with Public Service unions

Government concludes SIADAP negotiations with Public Service unions

On Friday, the Government concluded the negotiation of SIADAP – Integrated Management and Performance Evaluation System in Public Administration with the representative unions, noting that the meetings contributed to a “constructive and frontal dialogue.”

The complementary collective bargaining meeting with the Public Administration unions – FESAP, Frente Sindical and Frente Comum – was held this Friday, at the Ministry of Finance, with a single point on the agenda, the finalization of the new SIADAP methodology to be applied in the 2025 Evaluation Cycle,” the executive indicated in a statement.

The Ministry of Finance stated that the new SIADAP two and three methodology is based on two components, one related to individual goals and another linked to Skills and behaviors of leaders and workers.

In the same note, the Government maintained that the meetings on Friday, headed by the Secretary of State for Public Administrations, Marisa Garrido, were important to understand the issues that concern workers and added that they contributed “to the constructive and frontal dialogue that has guided its relationship with the unions.”

At the end of the meetings, the general secretary of FESAP – Federation of Unions of Public Administration and Entities with Public Purposes, José Abraão, said that Trade unions and the government must start discussing This month, a review of non-reviewed careers will be carried out, specifically those of municipal police officers or senior health technicians.

In turn, the president of the State Technical Personnel Union (STE), Helena Rodrigues, said she hopes that the regulations of the new performance evaluation system can be improved, as they still contain elements that are not very objective.

The coordinator of the Common frontSebastião Santana said that the evaluation system for public services only serves to delay the progress of these workers and regretted that the Government continues “with the policies that came from behind”, now preparing forms of struggle.

What this government did was continue with previous policies in all dimensions of the evaluation system, including in the proposals for evaluation regulations,” Sebastião Santana, coordinator of the Common Front of Public Service Unions, told Lusa.

By the Common Front, SIADAP — Integrated Management and Performance Evaluation System in Public Administration does not respond the problems of workers, serving only to prevent them from progressing more quickly.

“We have been asking all governments what service has improved with this system and, to this day, the Government I could not say“, he stressed.

Sebastião Santana said he saw no reason to continue discussing SIADAP in this regard.

The Common Front insisted on continuing to demand the increase interim salarypointing out that he will now develop fighting actionsafter listening to the workers.

On the other hand, he regretted that the Government claims to have no financial resources, accusing it of having a “lack of will”.

The unionist recalled that the state budget has rubrics that allow it accommodate this claimparticularly with regard to the acquisition of external services, with an allocation of 19 billion euros.

This Friday, the Common Front again asked the Secretary of State for Public Administrations a question about the re-registration of Caixa Geral de Aposentações (CGA) workers, recalling that there are hundreds of cases resolved in the courts.

According to the union structure, the CGA was obliged to guarantee the reinstatement of the workers, but the government (PS) blocked this decision.

The Secretary of State said that a decision on this matter had been made by the Council of Ministers, and he promised to clarify the issue during the next week.

Source: Observadora

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