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Aprilel advises “strong and unique” passwords and double authentication to reinforce cybersecurity

“Strong and unique” passwords to access digital services, always having the operating system updated and using double authentication are some of the advice that Apritel gives to consumers to reinforce their cybersecurity.

This advice was given to Lusa by the secretary general of the association of electronic communications operators (Apritel), Pedro Mota Soares, within the framework of the European Cybersecurity Month.

“If I gave you five quick and easy tips,” the first would be: “be careful with passwords, the ‘passwords’ they sayUse strong and unique passwords for each of the domains you visit,” said the person in charge.

Another tip is to be “very careful with links and attachments when you receive an email.”he continued, noting that “the theme of this year’s European campaign is exactly that.”

And he insisted: “Be careful when clicking on a link where you have doubts about the source.”

A third tip is to make sure you “permanently update your software, that your operating system has the latest updates” because the majority of them are precisely those who “guarantee safety in the use of our equipment,” highlighted Pedro Mota Soares.

A fourth tip is, “Whenever possible, use two-factor, double authenticationto secure your identity when accessing a bank account, when accessing a cell phone account.”

Finally, “Frequently back up your data, especially the most sensitive ones.because it is also a way to guarantee that, in the event of any accident or incident, they can recover everything.”

These are “very simple things, very practical, very aimed at people, which are important for us to remember, especially in this cybersecurity month,” highlighted the general secretary of Apritel.

“It belongs to all of us, as a society, it belongs to the communication operators, it belongs to the State at a central level, it belongs to those who have access to the media, it belongs to specific authorities” They have a role in reinforcing digital security “ and I think it never hurts to remember these tips,” he highlighted.

Pedro Mota Soares also mentioned that communications operators “have a role, sometimes a bit silentbut it is essential to provide a set of communication services that have a very high level of security integrated into these services (…).

In fact, “this implies an investment of tens of millions of euros in Portugal in recent years precisely to create the capacity to identify threats and protect consumers, at the level of the best that is done in Europe and in the rest of the world “he stated. he pointed out.

“There is a dimension of literacy about cybersecurity, about security in the use of digital media that belongs to everyone, operators do their part, they do their part with end users, but they also do their part in a very special, very dedicated way. , with small and medium-sized businesses [PME]”, said.

Recalling that Portugal is a country with a “very high rate” of SMEs, he highlighted that operators “offer many services” to these companies “to ensure that access to security services is democratized, which would otherwise probably be difficult to have”. “

In short, “Operators have a role to play,” but “it is also important to remember that they are not the only ones in this process.”.

The State “has a direct responsibility, civil society, starting, of course, with campaigns that make people aware of the use of digital media safely and that does not put their safety and protection at risk. at risk to your data, to your cybersecurity,” he concluded.

Source: Observadora

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