HomeOpinionScientists listed 8 scientific facts about cats

Scientists listed 8 scientific facts about cats

A lot of research has been done on cats to date. And that’s what we know about these animals.

You can make friends with a cat if you blink slowly. Research conducted by the Universities of Portsmouth and Sussex has shown that this behavior mimics the cat smile and helps build a bond between humans and cats.

One in 10 domestic cats suffer from separation anxiety. Such pets often live in households with no or more than one woman. The cat’s inability to access toys and the absence of other animals in the home are also associated with separation anxiety. Most often, cats showed destructive behavior (20 out of 30 cats), excessive vocalization (19 cats), urination in inappropriate places (18 cats), aggression (11 cats), excitement-anxiety (11 cats), and inappropriate behavior when separated. (7 cats). Depression-apathy was observed in 16 of 30 cats.

Cats really love their owners. During domestication, kittens developed such traits as grooming (care for fur, skin, claws, etc.), bringing half-living mice into the house for an impromptu game, fighting. In September 2019, scientists discovered that cats exhibit “trustworthy attachment” characteristics seen in dogs when they trust a human.

Cats can predict storms. Before a storm, a cat may feel an unexpected drop in atmospheric pressure in the inner ear. Additionally, these pets can smell the characteristic smell of approaching rain or ozone.

Cats love boxes because they’re comfortable. If the cat is curled up in a box, it is most likely avoiding the cold floor of the house. Cats feel comfortable if the temperature in the room is 14 degrees Celsius higher than the temperature considered normal for humans.

Domestic cats have a huge impact on local wildlife. Studies show that domestic cats kill more prey in a given area than similarly sized wild predators. In particular, they destroy 2-10 times more wild animals.

Cats can’t be vegan. Some amino acids, such as taurine, are found only in meat. Deficiency of this substance can lead to blindness and heart failure, and excess can lead to serious urinary tract infections.

Whiskers make cats sure killers. Cat whiskers consist of 24 moving hairs. These thickened hairs contain many nerves that allow animals to feel comfortable while hunting. Thanks to whiskers, cats determine the distance to the prey, its direction and texture. Source

Source: Port Altele

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