HomeOpinionScientists recreated Julius Caesar's face

Scientists recreated Julius Caesar’s face

Having carried out a detailed 3D reconstruction, Dutch scientists have given the world a new look at the face of Julius Caesar, one of ancient Rome’s most prominent figures. With the help of advanced technologies, not only facial features but also Caesar’s unique feature, which may have been formed from the moment he was born, were reproduced.

Scientists from the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, the Netherlands, have presented a digital portrait of Caesar based on marble busts in Leiden and Turin, as well as coins bearing his image. This study revealed that the Roman general had a visible bulge on his head, which archaeologist and anthropologist Maia Dollosi suggests may have been the result of a difficult birth.

Reconstruction of Julius Caesar’s face

The reconstruction process involved using 3D scanning to reconstruct Caesar’s appearance as accurately as possible based on existing artifacts. Given the extensive damage to the Leyden bust, including the absence of some facial parts such as the nose and chin, scholars used images of the second bust found at Tuscula to reconstruct the missing details. Source

Source: Port Altele

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