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Ministry requests investigation into work conduct of new director of Cultural Heritage

In a parliamentary hearing, Dalila Rodrigues said that she sent an anonymous complaint to the General Inspection of Cultural Activities because she became aware of João Soalheiro’s conduct in relation to the workers of the IP Cultural Heritage.

“I was surprised and I condemn the methodology. (…) What is described is serious, in the sense of an excess of words, of an attitude that does not articulate with the conduct that we can recognize as appropriate,” he said.

This is a letter sent to the Culture, Communication, Youth and Sports Committee in which workers at this public institute denounce, according to the deputy of the Left Bloc, Joana Mortágua, “very, very serious things from the point of view of the hierarchical relationship of labour rights between managers and workers”.

“These are serious accusations of substitution of leaders, of authoritarianism, of threats with disciplinary procedures, of intimidation,” said the deputy.

João Soalheiro was appointed by the Minister of Culture, Dalila Rodrigues, to replace architect João Carlos dos Santos as director of the public institute Cultural Heritage.

“The Doctor. João Soalheiro was nominated by me based on his CV. I was interested in a professional with this profile and experience because the dismissal of the former director of the DGPC and his replacement required it,” said Dalila Rodrigues.

However, he acknowledged that “it is necessary to accept the principle of investigations” and that he does not tolerate “arrogance in the exercise of political power.”

João Soalheiro is a PhD student in Literature, in the area of ​​Medieval History, at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon, and a graduate in Theology from the Catholic University of Portugal, having been director of the Regional Directorate of Culture of Lisbon and Tagus Valley and deputy director general of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage.

His appointment is still awaiting formalisation with publication in the Official Gazette.

Dalila Rodrigues appeared in the Assembly of the Republic at the first parliamentary hearing as Minister of Culture, in response to requests made by Chega on the possible return of works of art to former Portuguese colonies, and by the PS on the exemptions and appointments of those responsible for cultural heritage.

Source: Observadora

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