HomePoliticsGuterres condemns North Korean ballistic missile launch

Guterres condemns North Korean ballistic missile launch

The Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, condemned “strongly” the latest launch of an intercontinental-range ballistic missile by North Korea and urged Pyongyang to “immediately desist from any further provocative action”.

Guterres also called on the Kim Jong-un regime to “fully comply with its international obligations.” in accordance with all relevant Security Council resolutions and take immediate steps to resume dialogue leading to sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” according to a statement issued by his spokesperson.

North Korea today launched an intercontinental ballistic missile that likely landed in Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off the northern island of Hokkaido, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said, considering the launch.absolutely unacceptable????????

Pyongyang fires new ballistic missile into the Sea of ​​Japan

The United States wants to convene the UN Security Council and ask China, an ally of the North Korean regime, to help rein in Pyongyang, a US official revealed today.

“Certainly, our diplomacy will strive to get China to join the countries it publicly condemns and will use its influence to persuade” North Korea, said an unidentified US official, quoted by international events agencies, who was accompanying the vice president. from United States. , Kamala Harris, on a trip to Asia.

The United States wants China.”use your influence to convince the DPRK [República Popular Democrática da Coreia]”, said the same source, using the initials of the official name of North Korea.

In response to the launch, the South Korean and US militaries responded with guided bomb tests from F-35 fighter jets, in addition to conducting other combined air maneuvers over the East Sea.

These are two operations that simulate preventive and even punitive attacks against the North Koreans, in what is a harsh message for Pyongyang.

The North Korean launch that day was carried out from the Sunan area, where the Pyongyang international airport is located, the place chosen by the regime to also launch other intercontinental ballistic missiles in February, March and on November 3, although two of these launches have been unsuccessful.

The launch joins a record 30 missiles Pyongyang fired in early November in response to major aerial maneuvers by Seoul and Washington, including another similar missile, launched on November 3, which apparently misfired and crashed prematurely in the waters. of the Sea of ​​Japan.

Guterres condemns North Korea’s missile launches and calls for an end to provocations

Tension on the peninsula has reached unprecedented levels due to repeated North Korean weapons tests, allied maneuvers and the possibility that, as satellites indicate, the Kim Jong-un regime is ready to conduct its first test. nuclear since 2017.

Source: Observadora

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