Tag: children

The UN expressed concern about the illegal exploitation of children in Ukraine

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Velina Todorova expressed "concern about the exploitation of minors in Ukraine for the sale of...

International Red Cross: More than 25,000 children are missing in Africa

The International Committee of the Red Cross has indicated that the number of missing minors in Africa is over 25,000, representing 40% of the...

“The Sun”: British schools buy their students winter jackets due to the energy crisis

The Sun reported that "British schools are looking to stock up on winter coats for their students amid the energy crisis sweeping the country"...

China announces new measures to encourage families to have more children

Chinese authorities have announced new measures to encourage families to have more children, with the country's birth rate hitting its lowest ever amid expectations...

Haaretz: Israeli army admits to killing 5 Palestinian children in Gaza

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that "Israeli army officials confirmed that the army was responsible for the killing of five children on the last...

Revolutionary Guard: Israel’s continued crimes are caused by the tacit agreement of the Arab countries with the hegemonic regime and the continuation of normalization

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards "strongly condemned the crimes of the Zionist entity against the oppressed Palestinian people" and considered that "the wrong calculations of...

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