Tag: food crisis

UN: We are working with Turkey to create safe corridors for grain exports from Ukraine through the Black Sea

UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric indicated that "the international organization is working closely with the Turkish authorities to create safe corridors for grain exports from...

Stoltenberg: We will invite Zelensky to the next NATO summit in Madrid in two weeks

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced that “we have doubled the battlegroups to 8 and expanded their areas of influence from the Black Sea...

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry: We have opened two routes through Poland and Romania for grain exports, but bottlenecks have slowed down the supply chain

Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Dmytro Snek said his country opened two routes, through Poland and Romania, for grain exports to avoid a global food...

FAO: global food bill nears new record

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has indicated that the global food import bill is about to set a new...

Di Maio warned about the blockade of Ukrainian ports: blocking wheat exports could cause millions of deaths

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio warned against a blockade of Ukrainian ports, explaining that “the coming weeks will be critical to resolving the...

Pope Francis: Please do not use wheat as a weapon in war

Pope Francis expressed serious concern over the suspension of wheat exports from Ukraine due to the blockade of ports on which the lives of...

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