Tag: Gaza Strip

Sputnik: Israel told Egypt any Palestinian resistance response would lead to military escalation

Russia's Sputnik news agency reported that "Israel told Egypt that any response by Palestinian resistance would lead to a military escalation" following Israeli raids...

Yediot Ahronot military spokesman: We are preparing to expand the operation in Gaza and are working on calling up reserve forces

After the start of the military operation in the Gaza Strip, the Yediot Ahronot newspaper reported, quoting a prominent Israeli military figure, that "preparations...

The Israeli army announced the start of a military campaign against the Jihad movement in Gaza and raids in Gaza.

Israeli army spokesman Avichai Adraei announced that the Israeli army had carried out airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, noting that "a special case has...

Al-Nahala: Protecting Palestine is Iran’s inevitable policy and we don’t hesitate

During a meeting with the Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ziad al-Nahala in Tehran, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi noted that "the bright...

Yediot: The Iron Dome system in southern Israel has been brought to an extreme state, and the roads adjacent to the Gaza Strip have...

The Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported: "The Iron Dome system in southern Israel has raised the alarm over extreme and closed roads adjacent to the...

Israeli army: any rocket attack from Gaza will be given a big response

Commenting on the rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip towards Ashkelon last night, IDF spokesman Ran Kokhav said: "We don't know who fired the...

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