Tag: international economics

UK house prices rise for 10th month in a row

UK house prices rose for the tenth month in a row in May, despite problems facing the housing market due to rising inflation and...

Saudi trading in U.S. stocks declined in the first quarter of 2022.

The Al-Eqtisadiah newspaper reported that Saudis trading US stocks through institutions licensed by the Capital Markets Authority fell 48.4% year-on-year in the first quarter...

The Institute of International Finance halved the forecast for global economic growth

The Institute of International Finance halved its 2022 global growth forecast, citing the economic fallout from the "Russian invasion" of Ukraine, restrictions imposed by...

Financial Times: Problems in the global economy undermine its development and threaten to stagnate

The Financial Times warned that the problems of the world economy undermine its development and threaten to stagnate. Among the four most pressing...

The start of the conference in Davos at the first face-to-face meeting after a two-year break due to the coronavirus

The World Economic Forum kicked off in the Swiss city of Davos for the first face-to-face meeting after two years of virtual meetings due...

$2.5 billion in two weeks of auctions in New York

According to press reports, “On the same day that selling pressure wiped $1.5 trillion off the value of Wall Street stocks, Asher Edelman was...

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