Tag: Janet Yellen

Blinken: G7 decision is an important step to deprive Putin of financing the war with Ukraine

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said the G-7's announcement of a maximum price for Russian oil is an important step towards depriving Russian...

US Treasury Secretary: We will impose serious consequences on countries that violate the international economic order

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the US would impose "serious consequences" on countries that violate the international economic order.Yellen, who is currently visiting...

US Treasury: Oil price could rise by 40 percent if Russian oil price ceiling is not set

The US Treasury said that “the price of oil could rise by 40 percent to around $140 a barrel if there is no ceiling...

Sino-US Talks on the State of the Macroeconomics and the Stability of Global Production and Supply Chains

Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, head of the Chinese side of the China-US Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, held a video chat with US Treasury Secretary...

US Treasury: We are negotiating to reduce Moscow’s energy revenues by setting a ceiling on prices for Russian oil

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen indicated that the United States is in talks with Canada and other allies around the world to cut Moscow's energy...

US Treasury: We will not be able to reduce high inflation in the near future

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that "the US authorities will not be able to reduce high inflation in the near future", explaining that...

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