Tag: television

Scientists discover bats’ remarkable cognitive abilities

A team of researchers from Tel Aviv University monitored free-ranging Egyptian fruit bats to find out whether the animals possess complex cognitive...

Scientists explain how people understand each other

During a conversation, the human brain "reflects" the processes occurring in the brain of the interlocutor, which relate to the words used....

A golden treasure from the Peloponnesian War period was found in Turkey

The cache consists of high-quality Iranian gold coins, gifts minted more than two thousand years ago. This is the first such treasure...

Scientists take a step towards understanding dark matter

Last week, the biennial ICHEP conference hosted the presentation of results from the first data collection period of the AMBER experiment. These...

Giant pangolin found again in Senegal

In March 2023, temperatures in eastern Senegal rose to 40°C, with cooling rains months away. Despite all this, a dedicated field team...

Scientists discover an otherworldly scent receptor

The smell of red beetroot gives off a bit of moisture, and we perceive it as normal. However, if our nose gets...

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