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Twitter softens: Elon Musk promises to be given a “fire hose” of internal data

Twitter has agreed to give Tesla CEO Elon Musk access to its internal data after the billionaire threatened to withdraw from a deal to acquire the company due to a lack of transparency regarding bots on the platform.

Washington Auditor Twitter reportedly agreed to grant Tesla CEO Elon Musk access to its own internal data after the billionaire voiced concerns about the number of fake or bot accounts on the platform. Musk was reportedly granted access to the “fire hoses” of Twitter’s internal data earlier this week.

(Photo by Britta Pedersen-Poole/Getty Images)

Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal (Google Cloud/YouTube)

The data was previously reported to be available to two other companies that paid to access a database containing real-time tweet logs, location data and personal information, but the names of these companies were not made public.

“Musk believes the company is actively resisting and violating its information rights (and related company obligations) under the merger agreement. This is a blatant material breach of Twitter’s obligations under the merger agreement and provided by Mr. . Musk reserves all rights arising from this, including the right not to complete the transaction and the right to terminate the partnership agreement.”

Twitter, in response to the SEC’s filing, denied the allegations, saying “Twitter has and will continue to share information with Mr Trump.” Musk will complete the transaction in accordance with the terms of the articles of association. We believe this deal is in the interest of all shareholders. We intend to close the deal and execute the inclusion agreement at the agreed price and terms. ”

On May 13, Musk said the Twitter purchase was “temporarily suspended” due to the company’s low assessment that five percent of its platform is made up of bots. Musk said that at least 20 percent of the platforms’ user base are bot or spam accounts.

Read more Washington Auditor here.

Source: Breitbart

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