HomeTechnologyObserver receives Mental Health Journalism Award

Observer receives Mental Health Journalism Award

The journalist Sofía Teixeira, author of the interview series Do Outro Lado, published in Observador, won second place in the Journalism Award in Psychiatry and Mental Health.

Directed and edited by Nuno Neves, with the collaboration of Kimmy Simões, the interviews From the other side, stories from those who treat mental health, focus on cases that were especially striking for the psychologists and psychiatrists interviewed. Either because they marked a turning point in the way they approached a certain patient’s problem, or because it was the first time they faced a situation that they had only read about in books or heard about at university. , or for any other reason that contributed to making that person and that situation an issue that they will not forget.

From the child who played online 22 hours a day to the patient who invented symptoms to treat, to the prisoner who reconciled with his family, to the woman who had not left home for ten years or the terminally ill patient who accessed Wait at the end, There are, so far, ten reports that help us understand how the healthcare professional on the other side feels and how they manage emotions while carrying out a therapeutic process.

The series On the Other Side is part of the Mental, the Observer section entirely dedicated to mental health, launched in March of this year. The initiative already includes dozens of interviews, reports, news, chronicles and testimonies in various formats, and is the result of an alliance with the Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAD) and the Hospital da Luz, also counting on the collaboration of the Faculty of Psychiatry. of the Order of Physicians and the Order of Portuguese Psychologists.

Sair do Labirinto’s interviews, which also belong to Mental, were also recognized in the award promoted by the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health, with journalist Paulo Farinha receiving an honorable mention for this set of works, in which he dialogues with healthcare professionals. on how to overcome diseases such as depression, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, burnout, postpartum depression, bipolar disorder or anorexia, among others.

Mental also includes the Labirinto interviews, a success story for Observador, with millions of readings, views and downloads in various formats, which last year earned journalists Sara Antunes de Oliveira and Carla Jorge Carvalho an honorable mention in the same awards and which gave rise to the book of the same name, published last October.

The jury of the third edition of the journalism awards created by the Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (in which 37 journalists from 12 media outlets competed, authors of 41 works in competition) was made up of former journalist Dulce Salzedas, the psychiatrists João Marques Teixeira and João Bessa (elected president of SPPSM), the doctor Jacobo Muñoz (Janssen) and Joaquina Castelão, president of FamiliarMente.

The winners were announced on the afternoon of Wednesday, November 15 at the Champalimaud Foundation, in Lisbon. First place went to Expresso, with the report “Anorexia, the dangerous animal that insists on not leaving”, written by Helena Bento, Tiago Pereira Santos and Tiago Miranda, and third place went to Visão magazine, with the report “Burnout , Working Until You Break”, by Rita Rato Nunes and Mariana Almeida Nogueira. The other two honorable mentions were attributed to the podcast “What voice is this”, by Expresso (by Joana Pereira Bastos and Helena Bento) and to the report “Depressão, os Caminhos da Cura”, by Visão Saúde (by Mariana Almeida Nogueira).

Mental is a section of the Observer dedicated exclusively to topics related to Mental Health. It is the result of a collaboration with the Portuguese-American Foundation for Development (FLAD) and the Hospital da Luz and has the collaboration of the Faculty of Psychiatry of the Order of Physicians and the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. It is completely independent editorial content.

A partnership with:

Luso-American Development Foundation
Hospital of Light

In collaboration with:

Doctors order
Order of Psychologists

Source: Observadora

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