HomeTechnologyAngolan President promises ten million inhabitants of Luanda drinking...

Angolan President promises ten million inhabitants of Luanda drinking water by 2027

The Angolan President said on Tuesday that at least ten million inhabitants will benefit from drinking water in the province of Luanda by 2027, following the completion of the Bita and Quilonga Grande projects.

Quoted by Jornal de Angola, João Lourenço admitted to reporters that There are limitations, particularly financial ones and anarchic constructions along the route.“but guarantees that they will be surpassed.”

“We have to overcome the limitations (…) Therefore, all those who limit the progress of the works must be notified to remove the illegally built infrastructures or the State will do it for them,” declared the head of the Angolan Government. The Executive considers it “incomprehensible” that such a large number of people do not have access to water.

On Tuesday, João Lourenço visited the Quilonga Grande project, in the commune of Bom Jesus, municipality of Icolo and Bengo, which will become the main water supply plant for Luanda.

This project will serve five million inhabitants and Bita another 2.5 million. This will add to the three million people who already benefit from drinking water, adds the Angop news agency.

Source: Observadora

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