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This is how you can create a secondary email with the same name in Gmail

The mail platform allows you to create additional addresses for receiving messages in the main inbox.
The mail platform allows you to create additional addresses for receiving messages in the main inbox.

gmail Has a feature for all those who prefer to create different emails for different situations. platform Google Allow users to have secondary addresses with the same name they created their account with.

This tool is called Add-Ons and it has an endless number of uses, such as creating new emails for streaming platforms, receiving offers from e-commerce, recruiting, and more.

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How to create an additional email address in Gmail

There are several ways to use this feature. The first is the one that allows you to use the basis of the created email to convert it into many options, this is done by adding + after the name only and after the sign that says something.

For example, if the address is [email protected] and you want to create an account Facebook or TwitterOptions can be: [email protected] or [email protected].

Another way to create these addresses is to use a dot in the middle of the name, such as: [email protected] or [email protected]. It is also possible to change what is written after @, remove gmail.com and put googlemail.com, ie an email like: [email protected].

The mail platform allows you to create additional addresses for receiving messages in the main inbox.
The mail platform allows you to create additional addresses for receiving messages in the main inbox.

These accounts are not created in any particular department, but are simply placed on the platform or social network in which they intend to use them, or are given to those who require them. Emails sent to these additional emails will arrive in the main profile’s inbox, even if the system thinks it’s a different address.

Therefore, we repeat that it is not necessary to do any configuration in Gmail, just set the modification of the original email as described above.

The benefits There is a lot that can be taken from these types of alternative destinations. The first is ordering different signatures and profiles created in multiple applications.

Also, it is functional to detect spam messages, because by providing different emails on each platform, it will be easier to filter the unwanted ones and send them to those folders, because they will not contain useful content.

Another option is that this is a way to create accounts for free app tests, as many times you have to create an email from scratch to take advantage of this.

The mail platform allows you to create additional addresses for receiving messages in the main inbox.
The mail platform allows you to create additional addresses for receiving messages in the main inbox.

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Manage storage space in Gmail

Google has a An indicator in an application that shows how much memory is being used. This message will appear in the user account menu.

This message shows the percentage of memory used and the total amount of space that is free or under contract Google One. For more information, simply click on the indicator to see the space used by each service Google, such as the space used by Gmail. It also provides a shortcut to free up space Google One.

When a user’s cloud space runs out, a yellow warning will appear in the search bar directly above the user’s profile picture so that they can try to fix the problem before they run out of storage and stop Google services. Run properly Free space Get more emails Or download photos, videos or any type of file.

Users no longer need to visit the web version gmail Neither use the app Google One To check the space used on the platform.

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Source: Info Bae
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