The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that “a young man, Samih Amarne, was killed after being seriously wounded by Israeli army bullets a few days ago in Yabad, Jenin.”

In the context of the security situation, the Palestinian news agency Shehab reported: “An Israeli policeman was killed and three others were injured in a run over them this morning in the Jaffa area.”

And the Israel Broadcasting Corporation reported that “18 buses were set on fire as a result of a fire that broke out in the square of the central station in Safed.”

The buses are reportedly owned by Nazareth-based Arab company Netify Express. Fire brigades said they extinguished buses parked on the spot and additional protection, there were no casualties in the accident, the causes of which are not yet known exactly.

Israeli police arrived at the scene to investigate whether arson had taken place, while checkpoints were set up and interviews were conducted to locate suspects. Last week, buses were set on fire in cities in the Galilee, and the Israeli police still haven’t arrested the suspects.