Commenting on the “Framework of Coordination” demonstration, Asaib Ahl al-Haq Qais Khazali, Secretary General of the Iraqi Movement, affirmed that “the departure of the demonstrators is not directed against an individual or a group, but for the sake of Iraq, its government, parliament and people”, stating: “I call on the demonstrators of the Coordination framework to be peaceful without entering the green zone.

Yesterday, the Organizing Committee of the “Coordination Framework” in Iraq called for a demonstration tomorrow in the Green Zone after events that warn of a suspicious coup, pointing out that “the events herald the delegitimization of the state and the democratic process.”

This came after the leader of the Iraqi Sadr Movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, said in a statement yesterday that “the spontaneous, peaceful revolution that liberated the Green Zone, as a first stage, is a great opportunity for all people branded by the fire of injustice, terrorism , corruption, occupation and dependence”. He noted that “I hope that the tragedy of missing the first golden opportunity in 2016 will not be repeated.” He believed that “this is a great opportunity to fundamentally change the political system, constitution and elections”, calling on everyone to “support the revolutionaries for reforms not under my banner, but under the banner of Iraq and the decision of the people”. “