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The Armed Forces accompany the Russian warships in their passage through the Portuguese seas

The Armed Forces will accompany two Russian warships in the Portuguese sea, bound for the Mediterranean, in the coming days, the EMGFA reported this Sunday, noting that it is “a normal procedure.”

In a statement, the General Staff of the Armed Forces (EMGFA) indicates that, starting Monday morning and for the next two days, means of the Portuguese Armed Forces will accompany a Naval Force of the Russian Federation on its way . by the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE).

“This is a normal procedure, as long as warships from non-NATO countries sail within the Portuguese EEZ,” the text underlines.

The two Russian warships will transit from north to south, coming from Vizcaya, in Spain, and towards the Mediterranean Sea, the statement said, adding that the monitoring will be carried out while the ships are within the Portuguese EEZ.

Source: Observadora

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