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The ‘complicated’ return of Emmanuel Macron’s bloc to the French National Assembly

The new French political configuration, in which Emmanuel Macron lost the parliamentary majority, postponed the return of the legislative session, which was due to start in September, and analysts expect Parliament to produce fewer laws and take longer.

Alain Laquièze, professor of Public Law at Paris Descartes University, told Lusa that “logic shows that we will have fewer approved texts in the coming months compared to other beginnings of the legislature” and that these “will be shorter, because the more articles, the more amendments the opposition submits

only with adoption [parlamentar] forced [pelo presidente] for a text, in addition to the budget, it will be complicated for the Government”, said the specialist in Constitutional Law and French parliamentarism.

For the budget, the French Government has enshrined in the Constitution the possibility of approval without the full. This is article 49.3 and its use, as of 2008, was limited to budget laws and one more bill per legislative session.

But the use of this law is controversial, having given rise in the past to large demonstrations such as the one caused by the labor law in 2016 with François Hollande.

The academic has “doubts” about the method adopted by the government of Elisabeth Borne to discuss project by project instead of entering into a solid parliamentary coalition with the right-wing Republicans party.

Until now, the position of Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne was to say that they would look for majorities of ideas on each text and with a variable geometry, but I have many doubts about this method. It is not realistic”, explained the university professor.

In July, when the deputies took office and the first measure of Macron’s second term was approved, the purchasing power law, it was with the Republicans that the relative majority of the president found understandings and compromises.

On the left side, understanding was not possible, since the demand was do not give temporary help, but rather a general increase in wages. The differences between the majority and the left returned the leading role to Parliament and the heated political debate made headlines, something that had not happened in the last five years.

A compromise will be needed to adopt the texts in the Assembly, so I do not think that the measures are more radical in themselves. However, in the debates, the interventions were lively and there were, on the part of the deputies of France Insubmissa, very radical positions”, observed Alain Laquièze.

It has been 20 years since the parliamentary session in France did not start in October, an addition that allows the Government to try to find allies for the different recent texts that are most important, such as the reform of the unemployment subsidy, or the pension system or new measures to the environment.

immigration law reforma topic that promises to set French society on fire has even been postponed to December.

Regarding urgent measures, Alain Laquièze recalls that the President and the Government in France resort to important legislative powers, not being hostages of a Parliament without agreement in the most urgent cases.

When it comes to decisions that need to be made quickly, the President and the Government have room for manoeuvre. For example, in sending troops abroad, the President makes the decision and informs Parliament. We are not like Germany where MPs have to be consulted, but if it comes to additional funding, it has to go through Parliament”, he concluded.

Source: Observadora

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