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Bolsonaro travels to Lisbon to meet with Chega. European far-right leaders will also join

Bolsonaro will have suggested a meeting with Ventura and the Chega leader decided to bring together the European leaders and schedule an event, which should take place in May and will feature Marine Le Pen and Santiago Abascal.

André Ventura’s party will organize an event to bring together various far-right parties in Lisbon and, according to Correio da Manhã, one of those present is Jair Bolsonaro, former president of Brazil, who will be accompanied by his wife, Michelle Bolsonaro.

According to the same newspaper, Chega was contacted last week by Bolsonaro’s advice, with the suggestion of a meeting between the former Brazilian president and André Ventura. Bolsonaro currently lives in the United States, a country to which he traveled two days before Lula da Silva began her mandate.

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The leader of Enough decided to invite far-right European leaders: from Spain it will have the presence of Santiago Abascal, from Vox and France will be represented by Marine Le Pen, from Unión Nacional.

To Italy, the invitations will have been sent to Giorgia Meloniprime minister, and Matteo Salvini, deputy prime minister, but the two far-right leaders will not have an agenda to travel to Portugal.

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The venue for the event is not yet known, according to Correio da Manhã, but it could take place at Campo Pequeno or Altice Arena, both venues in Lisbon. And it should take place during the first half of May.

Source: Observadora

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