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Conference on metadata brings together police officers from 26 countries

The conference arises from the concern of international criminal police officers about the “negative impacts of the lack of a metadata retention regime”, a problem that affects society.

Representatives of 31 criminal police forces from 26 countries will participate this Wednesday and Thursday in the Conference “Metadata Law Enforcement” in the search for legislative and other solutions to the negative impacts of the restrictive regime of access to metadata.

This conference, which takes place at the headquarters of the Judicial Police in Lisbon, comes at a time when international criminal police officers “are very concerned about the negative impacts of the lack of a metadata retention regime”, issue that “affects not only the fulfillment of its missions, but also society as a whole.”

Metadata allows a kind of cataloging of certain informationthat can be useful in the prevention, investigation, or repression of serious crimes, jeopardizing the legality of various processes, the latest declaration of unconstitutionality of the metadata law, and hindering access and use of this information in future investigations.

According to the organizers of the event, the interested parties seek “a balance between the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens and, consequently, a rule of law that allows the investigation of certain types of crimes with this type of information”, that is, metadata.

“This initiative aims to bring together the criminal police forces of the countries of the European Union, Schengen States and the United Kingdom, for a joint reflection, based on the knowledge and experience on the ground of all, which allows for constructive reflection. contribution to reach balanced solutions with instances linked to the legislative, executive and judicial powers, ”says an informative note from the PJ.

Source: Observadora

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