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Mozambique’s president says government forces are offering a “dignified response to sporadic attacks”

The Mozambican president welcomed African cooperation in controlling the insurgents in the Cabo Delgado region. Now, they limit themselves to “carrying out sporadic attacks to prove that they exist and to steal.”

The Mozambican president said on Tuesday that “sporadic attacks” by armed groups operating in Cabo Delgado, in the north of the country, are receiving an “adequate response” and that the security situation is stable.

“They continue to carry out sporadic attacks to prove their existence and to steal, but they have still received the corresponding response,” Filipe Nyusi said.

The Head of State spoke in Dar es Salaam, at a press conference in the company of his Tanzanian counterpart, Samia Suluhu, after a two-way meeting and talks between delegations from both countries.

Filipe Nyusi acknowledged that the situation in Cabo Delgado “in 2021 was very serious” and the insurgents occupied several villages, but joint operations by the government forces of Mozambique, Rwanda and the Southern African Development Community Military Mission (SAMIM) reversed the scenario in the theater of operations, leading to stability.

The model of military cooperation adopted against terrorism in Cabo Delgado “is very welcome”because it is based on the principle that “African problems must have African solutions,” stressed Filipe Nyusi.

“We are not saying that we do not want support from other” countries outside the African continent, he added.

The Mozambican head of state said it was He agreed with Tanzania on the need to capitalize on the resources that both countries have to promote cooperation. economic.

“There are two countries with a lot of wealth, but the wealth must be explored and transformed for the benefit of both peoples,” he said.

Filipe Nyusi also stressed the importance of “connectivity” through roads, bridges and ports to maximise the economic potential of the two countries.

Since October 2017, Cabo Delgado has been facing an armed rebellion with attacks claimed by movements associated with the extremist group Islamic State.

The last major attack took place on May 10 and 11 at the Macomia district headquarters.with a hundred insurgents looting the city, causing several deaths and intense clashes with the Mozambican Defense and Security Forces.

Attacks in Cabo Delgado: Macomia district headquarters under attack by rebels

The population of other districts of the province has reported the movement of these groups of insurgents, who cause panic as they pass through the forests, but without any record of clashes, which occurs at times when farmers try to carry out harvesting work in the fields.

The Mozambican president said on June 16 that the actions of the various defence forces had made it possible to eliminate “practically all” the bases of the terrorist groups operating in Cabo Delgado, which are now limited to “wandering around in the bush.”

Source: Observadora

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