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Macron warns that “nobody won” and sees the results as a “clear demand for change and sharing of power”

The French president reacted to the election results by warning of a “clear demand for change and a sharing of power” and hoping for a solution based on “republican values.”

Emmanuel Macron believes that “no one won” in the French general elections in which Marine Le Pen’s party won the first round and the Popular Left Front won the last round. In his first statement to the nation since the final result, the French president warned of the need for a solution with “the greatest possible institutional stability” and guaranteed that he would appoint the prime minister taking into account “republican values”.

In a letter in which he seeks to analyze the results, in addition to greeting the mobilization of voters –with an abstention rate that fell to historic figures–, Macron stressed that, “despite the fact that the extreme right came first in the first round, with almost 11 million votes, [os franceses] They clearly refused to allow him to take office.”anyone’s won. No political force obtained a sufficient majority; the blocks or coalitions that emerged from these elections were all minorities,” he concluded.

The President of France stressed that the republican forces “represent a absolute majorityafter being “divided in the first round” and united in the second “by mutual withdrawals” and concludes that these elections are “marked by a clear demand for change and share power” and forces the parties to “build a broad union”.

The left and centre-left “beavers” have bombarded the far right. Will they be able to come to an understanding in order to govern?

In view of the results, Macron now calls on “all political forces that identify with republican institutions, the rule of law, parliamentarism, a European orientation and the defence of independence, to engage in a sincere and loyal dialogue in order to build a solid, necessarily plural, majority for the country”. “Ideas and programmes before positions and personalities: this union must be built around great principles for the country, clear and shared republican values, a pragmatic and legible project, taking into account the concerns expressed during the elections”, explains the French president, calling for this solution to guarantee “the greatest possible institutional stability”.

He stressed that “the French people have chosen the Republican Front at the polls”, and stressed that “the political forces must translate this into action” and affirmed that it is “in the light of these principles” that the decision on the appointment of the Prime Minister, a role that has been assigned to him, will be decided.

For this to happen, Macron also explained that he would give the political forces “a little time so that they can reach these compromises calmly and with mutual respect” and reiterated that “the current government will continue to exercise its responsibilities.” “Our country must be able to give life, as so many of our European neighbours do, to the spirit of improvement that I have always called for in my wishes. Your vote obliges everyone to rise to the occasion. To work together,” he wrote, believing that the voters “called for the invention of a new French political culture.”

How a majority is (slowly) forming. The armistice between Macronists and the left to dominate the next French government

Source: Observadora

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