A few weeks ago, the crew of Houses of Wark (written by Aya Teeba, directed by Osama Al-Hamad, produced by Online Production by Ziad Chouairy) finished all the scenes in Beirut. The drama is not on the Ramadan card and its creators have announced that it is completely out of the race. In this regard, a few days after the fasting month competition, the organizers of “Paper Houses” announced the launch of their show on the Qatari platform Tod. Online Production reported that the Syrian-Lebanese collaborative series has been added to the Qatari app, which was launched recently and also includes the Syrian, Lebanese and Turkish series. Notably, the Tod app is mobilizing drama this season through streaming series exclusive to it. The move is not surprising, instead it will come to attention after the announcement of a high level of competition between Gulf bids, specifically between Shaheed, which is affiliated with Saudi network mbc, and the Qatari tod.

Houses of Cards features Syrian and Lebanese stars including: Susan Najm al-Din, Dana Jabr, Jenny Esper, Yazan al-Sayed. For Lebanon, the following were participants: Youssef El-Khal, Tony Issa, Dalida Khalil, Fadi Ibrahim, Gabriel Yammin, Yousef Haddad, Rosie El-Houli. The social project tells stories related to the world of fashion and fashion, as well as stories of love and betrayal.