Brilliant success stories are written in gold letters, so they are immortalized. Some mistakenly believe that success is luck, rather than the result of effort, perseverance and great patience in achieving a goal, but instead say that it is a big risk in most cases. Only visionaries can assess what will lead to their projects, therefore they embrace achieving their goal with vision, faith and determination, and only those who do not stop achieving the desired goal, but work on modernization. , was successful. and progresses as blood flows in their veins.

There are many immortal success stories in the world, whether they are entrusted to the names of people or brands that have been created and exist and their reputation continues to hit all corners of the world from generation to generation, and their number is growing in popularity. increase their sales and investment. An example of success stories is the global company Philip Morris, which started a tobacco store on Bond Street in London and built its business with the owner’s son, Leopold Philip Morris, who made his own he smoked cigarettes and then established a tobacco business. several cigarette brands circulated until Philip Morris became the largest cigarette manufacturer in the world.
Success does not stop, especially if the company knows its responsibility to society. From here, “Philip Morris” went into fashion and was unique in its leadership in all its innovations and it was another success that added to his career, but it was a success of a different kind. This is an IQOS tobacco heating device.

Since 2008, Philip Morris has been making, producing, marketing and scientifically proving the possibility of smokeless devices after countless studies and clinical trials it has conducted with the support of hundreds of scientists and researchers, who investing $ 8 billion in this project to date. the development process is still ongoing. The device heats tobacco up to 350 ° C and emits steam instead of smoke because it does not require a tobacco burning process, which reduces the release of harmful chemicals by 95%, but this does not mean a 95% reduction. of risk in general, because IQOS is not harmful. Since then, IQOS has transformed the world of tobacco products and spread to 64 global markets, half of which are outside the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and officially added Lebanon to the list of consumer countries a year ago. the past after thousands of adult smokers flocked to use it even before the company brought it to the Lebanese market.

It is noteworthy that even if the company does not use any promotional materials to promote its new product, in accordance with Law 174, which aims to “reduce smoking and regulate the production, packaging and advertising of products tobacco ”, issued in Lebanon, September 2011, the number of users of the device is growing because of its experience and taste similar to that of cigarettes, as well as the improvement in health they have experienced, as well as the almost no odor it emits. to them because it is completely smoke -free.
In this way, thousands of Lebanese are joining their counterparts around the world, and since the last census conducted in December 2020, 17.6 million users have been distributed in various countries, including the most developed such as Italy, United Kingdom, Australia. , Iceland, the entire European Union and the United States, where governments have called on countries to use this alternative to cigarettes. The company estimates that 72% of that total, or 12.7 million users, have completely switched to a smoke-free device and smoked their last cigarette with it at some point in the device switch, which is the most effective and popular. that alternative.

This move to a healthier environment is credited to Philip Moyes and how serious he is about quitting smoking, as the number of people switching to IQOS has surpassed all transitions to other smoke-free products. in the world combined. This success is the result of a will and determination to stay away from cigarettes and their harm, and the result of 76% of commercial efforts and 99% of R&D and executive work in 2020 will be focused on developing products without smoke.

“The secret of success is consistency,” said the late nineteenth-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, and Philip Morris is a good example of this. The taste of this success was not new to him, but it came in a completely different way, even though the taste of the tobacco in it was still the same.

This article was sponsored by Philip Morris, Lebanon.