CBS News’ Sunday Broadcast overlooking the townMohamed El-Erian, Allianz’s chief economic adviser, warned that inflation in the US could reach 9 percent.
Decryption looks like this:
There is some hope in some quarters, maybe motivated speculation, but also hope that inflation will come back, maybe the picture will improve. So let’s see, is that hope lost? Or is it a sign of how difficult it is to predict where we are in today’s economy?
The same. At first, there is hope that it is temporary, that is, temporary and quickly reversible. As you pointed out, there was hope that he had reached the top. I did not share these expectations. I think you have to be very humble about what we know about this inflation process. And I’m afraid it will get worse in the future, at this rate we could reach 9 percent.
Source: Breitbart