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Italian politician calls for suspension of election campaign due to record gas prices

The leader of the Italian party (Action) Carlo Calenda called on political forces to suspend their election campaigns in order to counter the record rise in natural gas prices in Europe.

Kalinda wrote: “We are in a state of national emergency and political forces must suspend the election campaign and declare their readiness to support the government’s plan, including the creation of a facility to re-convert liquefied gas to its gaseous state and increase the state budget deficit, and 10 billion are needed to support companies and 30 billion for families.

“Mario Draghi’s government was handcuffed” i.e. an interim government having incompetence “thanks to Matteo Salvini, Silvio Berlusconi and Giuseppe Conte” who are the leaders of the three parties that refused to express a vote of confidence in the government and Kalinda added that she forced Draghi to resign 21 July.

Kalinda is allied with Matteo Renzi, both dissidents from the Democratic Party, in a coalition linked to the centrist movement to run in the September 25 elections.

Source: El Iktisad

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