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Carlos Costa “Call from the Prime Minister [sobre Isabel dos Santos] It was very short, angry and rude”

the call of antonio costa to the then Governor of the Bank of Portugal Carlos Costa was “very short????????irritated” Y “wild???????? In an interview with CNN Portugal, Carlos Costa recalls that this phone call was engraved in his memory because “rarely” in his life did he receive a “hard” phone call and reiterates, even under the threat of legal proceedings, that the prime minister Said he “did not accept” that the daughter of a friend from Portugal (Angola) was “treated badly.”

The statements were made in an interview with CNN Portugal. Carlos Costa says “very surprised” due to the controversy caused by the publication of the book “O Governador”, by Observador journalist Luís Rosa.

But the controversy is understandable, however, because, says Carlos Costa, there is “in the book a call to my cell phone made by the President of the Government some two hours after the meeting with Isabel dos Santos and Fernando Teles” -shareholders of the BIC bank. This was a meeting where Carlos Costa says that he “encouraged” him to look for independent managers, because he would not make them suitable to be in the management of BIC (today EuroBic).

A few hours later, “surely someone went to inform the Prime Minister that the meeting had also been tough.” ????????The phone call was very short but he was very irritated, thinking that he couldn’t treat you this way.says Carlos Costa.

The former governor adds that behind António Costa’s phone call there was an idea of deal with “suitability as a bargaining chip for other situations involving other banks”, alluding to the plan that was underway to keep Isabel dos Santos in the direction of BIC so that she would leave the capital of BPI. ????????Suitability either you have it or you don’t“, says Carlos Costa: “the ongoing problems at BPI were legitimate, but one could not argue that for the suitability at BIC”, he says.

It was “inappropriate” to dismiss Isabel dos Santos. The president sends an SMS to Carlos Costa confirming the call about EuroBic

Carlos Costa also referred to the letter that António Costa wrote in November 2015 to Jean-Claude Juncker and Mario Draghi, where he outlined a very negative panorama of the Portuguese financial system, which had immediate impacts on Banif (which was in the process of being sold but The Prime Minister wrote that it was in “pre-resolution”) and, also, lingering effects on other banks.

The former governor of the Bank of Portugal says he was not “aware” of the letter, only I found out “through friends in the European Commission???????? “It would have been very useful if the Prime Minister had spoken to me earlier, I would have explained to him that this photograph was not correct and the letter fell with a big splash when it reached the European authorities”, says Carlos Costa.

Having been sent to the European Commission and the ECB, the letter “shows great distrust in the financial system they were following.” Carlos Costa says that the content of the letter and the terms used “had to do with the political struggle for the clean outputbut he refuses to comment on that letter that says about António Costa’s way of doing politics: “I leave that to the listener to judge.????????

Teixeira dos Santos: Carlos Costa “was very brave” in the BES case and Passos “did what he could”

The prime minister reaffirmed this Tuesday that he will sue the former governor of the Bank of Portugal for offense to honor after, in a book, Carlos Costa denounced that he was pressured for not removing Isabel dos Santos from the BIC. ????????I stand by what I said and will answer anywhere for what I said.“, says Carlos Costa, in the interview with CNN Portugal.

Source: Observadora

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