HomeEconomyLive/Fear against the closure of borders to solve the...

Live/Fear against the closure of borders to solve the immigration problem

Key moments

  • Marta Temido against the closure of borders in the EU as a solution to migration

  • Family health will be one of the axes of the emergency program that the Government presents in July

  • The country is discussing a relief of 5 to 7 euros in the monthly IRS for a salary of 1,200 euros, says the IL leader

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  • Marta Temido against the closure of borders in the EU as a solution to migration

    The head of the PS list for Europeans stated today that he does not defend the construction of infrastructure to close the borders of the European Union as a solution to migration problems, “but there are those who do.”

    “We have to be clear and serious in what we propose. We are not the ones who say that building infrastructure to close the EU borders is the solution to the migration problem. But there are those who say it. There are those who say that the only difference between the AD and the EPP is that some understand that these borders must be built with European money and others do not,” said Marta Temido.

    The former Minister of Health spoke in Castelo de Vide, in the Portalegre neighborhood, where she traveled to present the Socialist Youth Manifesto for the European elections.

    “Everyone wants to put borders there, everyone wants to put walls there, everyone wants to put doors there. Nor do we have an unrealistic idea of ​​migration. What we have is a practical, pragmatic commitment to what is a humanistic vision of migration,” she summarized. Marta Temido understands that there is a place and need for Portugal to be a host country, but she defends that it must be done “with quality and with access to all the rights that exist at the level of our social state.”

  • Europeans: Ventura calls for strong borders and an end to the “massive entry of Islamic immigrants”

    The Chega leader called for a European Union with strong borders and without “massive entry of Islamic and Muslim immigrants” and said he was convinced he would be Portugal’s next prime minister.

    Europeans: Ventura calls for strong borders and an end to the “massive entry of Islamic immigrants”

  • Family health will be one of the axes of the emergency program that the Government presents in July

    The President of the Government, Luís Montenegro, guaranteed today that family health will be “one of the axes” of the emergency program for the sector that the Government plans to present in June.

    “Care with closeness and trust. On World Family Doctor Day, I highlight that family health will be one of the pillars of our emergency program. Let us value health professionals and with them provide answers to citizens,” reads a message published on Luís Montenegro’s official account on the social network ‘X’ (formerly Twitter).

    On Wednesday, in the biweekly debate with the Prime Minister in the Assembly of the Republic, the head of the Executive affirmed that the health emergency program will be presented within two weeks, with special focus on the recovery of surgeries, obstetrics and responses within the field of family medicine.

    “At most, within two weeks, the country will know the emergency program we have in terms of health. It will have an impact on recovering waiting times for surgeries, particularly the more problematic ones such as oncology. Special attention will be paid to obstetrics and a family medicine response plan for around 1.5 million Portuguese who lack a family doctor,” he specified.

    Luís Montenegro, however, warned that the program will be an emergency and “not the structural transformation that the Government intends to make in health” at the end of the legislature, freeing it from ideological complexes.

    The group of 13 people that is preparing this plan is coordinated by the former president of Infarmed Eurico Castro Alves, graduate in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and doctor in Medicine from the ICBAS – Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences.

    In addition to Eurico Castro Alves, the group includes, among others, Alberto Caldas Afonso, pediatrician and director of the Centro Materno-Infantil do Norte; António Marques, professor and anesthesiologist, responsible for the Management Committee of the Ministry of Health Plan for World Youth Day; Catarina Baptista, hospital administrator, member of the previous administration headed by Ana Paula Martins at the head of the Santa María Hospital, and João Gouveia, director of the Central Emergency Service of the ULS of Santa María.

  • The country is discussing a relief of 5 to 7 euros in the monthly IRS for a salary of 1,200 euros, says the IL leader

    The president of the Liberal Initiative, Rui Rocha, denounced that the country is discussing a relief of 5 to 7 euros in the IRS for those who earn 1,200 euros gross, proposing, instead, a relief of 84 euros.

    “Think of someone who earns 1,200 euros a month, gross. This whole discussion, the importance it has in people’s pockets, which is what matters, is a discussion that, for this salary of 1,200 gross per month, there is a reduction of 5 or 7 euros. This is what they have been discussing for days, weeks. 5 or 7 euros are reduced in the pockets of these people,” criticized Rui Rocha today, in Porto.

    The liberal leader spoke during a pre-campaign dinner at a restaurant in Miragaia (Porto), where he was accompanied by the head of the IL list for the European elections on June 9, João Cotrim Figueiredo.

    “They make this a big discussion, as if it were something absolutely decisive to transform people’s lives, and it is not. We are talking about 5 or 7 euros,” she reiterated.

    On the other hand, he mentioned that “there is a proposal” from the Liberal Initiative (IL) “for this same person who earns 1,200 euros gross per month, which leaves him with 84 euros left” in the Treasury, he highlighted. “That is why I challenge you to stop discussing whether there are 5 or 6 or 7, and discuss whether there are 84, as we propose,” said the liberal leader.

    On Friday, the PS presented a new proposal to lower the IRS, challenging the Government to find “a balanced solution” in which there is tax relief for all income, but with a greater impact on average salaries.

    “It is important that the Government accepts what is an option that seems correct to us and that is transversal to the parliamentary left and right of which the majority wins. [no alívio do IRS] either for those who have the average salary,” PS deputy António Mendonça Mendes told journalists in a presentation to journalists of this new proposal. According to Mendonça Mendes, with this new formulation, the PS ensures that “only around a third” of the 348 million euros that the Government foresees for this tax reduction “is for the richest 10%.”

  • Good day. Let’s follow all the political news this Sunday. Below you can see the most important of what happened on Saturday, a day marked by the reactions of the main political leaders to the way in which Aguiar Branco handled André Ventura’s speech in Parliament.

    Pedro Nuño Santos criticizes Aguiar-Branco. “Let no one hide behind freedom of expression to promote racist speech”

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Source: Observadora

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