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Sines opens applications to support families in need in rent

Families with housing needs or economic incapacity in the municipality of Sines (Setúbal) will be able to count on a subsidy from the municipality, between 100 and 300 euros, to help with the monthly rent contribution, it was announced this Monday.

“Through this monthly subsidy we want to respond to households that are in a situation of real or imminent housing shortage. [e] who are manifestly incapable of supporting the value of the rental of the home,” the vice president of the Chamber of Sines, Fernando Ramos, explained to the Lusa agency.

According to the mayor, The Municipal Rental Subsidy (SMA), whose application submission period is extended until July 11, also aims to “address a difficulty present in today’s world” related to the increase in rents in the housing sector.

“Paying rent has a tremendous impact on family income and this subsidy,” which was implemented in 2020, “serves to provide that response and comfort,” he highlighted.

According to Fernando Ramos, rental aid is granted based on “family income” and other criteria “which are valued based on the type of housing” and “the household.”

The value per household is granted after compliance with all the criteria established in the subsidy regulations, which “are temporary in nature, as a general rule, with a maximum duration of 12 months.”

The “amounts vary between 100 and 300 euros” per month, depending on the home and the economic effort of each family,” he stated.

Also according to the mayor, the measure was launched in 2020 with “a registered budget of 150 thousand euros” which, the following year, was reduced “to 100 thousand euros” due to the low number of applications.

“When we realized we could never get close to that amount [100 mil euros]”Last year we lowered it to 20 thousand euros and this year, as we are expected to have more requests, we entered an amount of 30 thousand euros into the Municipal Budget,” he revealed.

“Between eight and 10 homes” in the municipality of Sines have benefited from this subsidy, stated Fernando Ramos.

“This support is granted for one year, but since we have not had enough applications and we have funds available, if there are no more applications we will continue supporting these families,” he guaranteed.

Applications must be submitted using a “specific form, available at the Balcão Único” or on the online services platform of the municipality of Sines.

Source: Observadora

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