HomeEconomy1.1 million euros to help those who help

1.1 million euros to help those who help

In society we all have a role, even in the professional world. Everyone without exception, including people with disabilities or mental illness. However, the doors to the labor market and well-being do not always open for these people with the same ease as for those who do not have any disability. Thinking about the autonomy of these people, as well as their families, BPI and the ”la Caixa” Foundation created, in 2010, the Capacitar Award, which, since then, has already helped 335 projects, helping more than 50 thousand people. with a disability or mental illness. This year was no exception, as 28 projects were awarded from the north to the south of Portugal, including islands.

Awards for helping those who help

Due to the need to help people with disabilities or mental illnesses have a more active place in society, several institutions have emerged that work to achieve this goal. But these institutions do not always have the necessary financing to achieve their objectives. That is why BPI and the “la Caixa” Foundation created the Capacitar Award, under the motto “Help those who help.” In 2024, in its 15th edition, this award continues to have as its main objective supporting social responses aimed at people with disabilities, mental illness or other illnesses, as well as their families, with special attention to initiatives that promote autonomy, employability and welfare. -be.

The winners: from an inclusive cafeteria to the creation of autonomous homes

In this year’s edition of the Capacitar Award, 28 projects from different sectors were awarded. Social businesses, such as selling food products or starting an inclusive cafeteria; projects to promote employability, either through training or outreach to employers; creation of a psychosocial support center for mental illnesses; provision of integrated home support services for people with disabilities and carers; creation of autonomy houses; promotion of sporting, artistic and personal development activities, including adapted sailing and workshops of art, gastronomy and horticulture. Together, these initiatives will benefit around 2,700 people with disabilities or mental illness, thanks, in part, to the support of BPI and the ”la Caixa” Foundation.

1.1 million

Value of the support of BPI and ”la Caixa” Foundation in the winning projects of the 15th edition of the Capacitar Award.

People with disabilities and the risk of poverty

According to the study “People with disabilities in Portugal – Human rights indicators 2023”, prepared by the Disability and Human Rights Observatory (ODDH/ISCSP – ULisboa), 62.3% of people with disabilities “would face a risk of poverty in the year 2022 if it were not for the help of social benefits.” A figure much higher than that of people without disabilities: 35.5%. These socioeconomic differences are, according to the study, difficult to reduce. In fact, the difference in values ​​in the risk of poverty between people with and without disabilities indicates that the former, in Portugal, seem to have few income alternatives. In this sense, it is important to have support to reduce poverty for people with disabilities, either directly or through support to find a job or improve their well-being. Aware of this work and as a way of helping those it helps, the Capacitar Award continues to annually select a certain number of projects to support them financially. This year, in total, BPI and the ”la Caixa” Foundation awarded 1.1 million euros to the winning projects of the 15th edition of the award.

For a more just society

The inclusion of people with disabilities or mental illnesses in the labor market is essential to build a more just and equitable society. Not only is it a human right that contributes to the autonomy and dignity of these people, but it also allows us to combat stigmas and social prejudices. However, there are still some barriers when it comes to including these people, especially in the labor market. For this reason, the European Commission presented the Strategy for the Rights of People with Disabilities 2021-2030, in order to guarantee their full participation in society, inside and outside the European Union (EU). According to the European Commission website, “this strategy aims to ensure that all people with disabilities in Europe, regardless of their sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation,

  • enjoy the rights that correspond to them;
  • can participate in society and the economy on an equal basis with other people;
  • they can decide where, how and with whom to live;
  • move freely within the EU, regardless of your support needs;
  • and stop being the object of discrimination.”

While it is true that equality for people with disabilities or mental illness is a right, the truth is that these people are not always capable of leading an independent life, needing, for various reasons, the help of institutions and associations, which sometimes In turn, they don’t always see their job getting easier, often due to lack of funds. “Helping those who help” is one of the missions of the BPI Fundação ”la Caixa” awards, of which the Capacitar Award is a part. And this can often be understood as a “breath of fresh air” for these institutions, which work for a more inclusive society.

Mental is a section of the Observer dedicated exclusively to topics related to Mental Health. It is the result of a collaboration with the Portuguese-American Foundation for Development (FLAD) and the Hospital da Luz and has the collaboration of the Faculty of Psychiatry of the Order of Physicians and the Order of Portuguese Psychologists. It is completely independent editorial content.

A partnership with:

Luso-American Development Foundation
Hospital of Light

With the collaboration of:

Order of doctors
Order of Psychologists

Source: Observadora

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