Category: Economy

Chinese chief raises alarm about tank’s economy

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday urged regional governors to take faster and stronger action to stabilize the economy, a significant departure from Beijing's...

Afghanistan: Global food shortage prompts Taliban to ban wheat exports

The Taliban terrorist organization announced on Thursday that it has banned wheat exports from Afghanistan, in response to fears that the country will soon...

JP Morgan predicts ‘hard summer’ for gas prices above $6

In a report this week titled "Cruel Summer," JP Morgan predicted that the U.S. national average for regular gasoline could rise to $6 per...

Efficient agricultural reset: Experts say crop gene editing can help fight food insecurity

Proponents of the plan told British ministers that using gene editing to create more durable crops could help combat food insecurity. Some British ministerial expert...

UK freezes assets of Russian airlines, holds back revenue from seat sales

LONDON (AP)-UK on Thursday froze the assets of three Russian airlines, preventing them from selling £50m ($62m) seats at UK airports. Russia's recent war sanctions...

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