HomeOpinionScientists have discovered what happens in the last seconds...

Scientists have discovered what happens in the last seconds of a person’s life.

Scientists at the University of Michigan have discovered that the “light at the end of the tunnel” that people often see before death may be caused by a seizure-like burst of energy.

Researchers have discovered that before death, people experience an increase in gamma wave activity in the region of the brain responsible for consciousness, dreams and hallucinations. It is believed that these hallucinations may be the cause of reports of bright lights, voices, chants, and even visions of loved ones in the moments before death.

The study is in its early stages and only includes four patients, but the scientists hope this will be the first step towards better understanding how the brain responds to death.

The study, published in PNAS, included four patients who died of heart attacks while being monitored with an electroencephalogram (EEG). Two showed an increase in heart rate and an increase in gamma wave activity before death. However, the other two patients did not show these changes.

The results of the study confirm previous data on animals. However, due to the minimal sample size, scientists say they should be careful when drawing conclusions.

Source: Port Altele

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