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Precarious workers have not yet received the July payment from Global Media Group

Workers at the green reception desks of JN, Evasões, Revista Notícias and Volta ao Mundo said on Monday that they have not yet received their July salary, which is still the responsibility of the Global Media Group, in a delay that affects about 130 people.

In a statement, these workers said that as of this Monday “Workers with green receipts from JN, Evasões, Revista Notícias, Volta ao Mundo have not yet received the month of July, which is still the responsibility of the Global Media Group”.

In the same note, they indicate that, so far, “the aforementioned workers have no justification or explanation from Global management for a new non-payment of wages that should have been paid on the 7th (but which have been paid for several years after the 10th)”.

They warn that the situation, “another example of contempt and lack of respect towards these workers, is leading people to despair because they depend on this salary to pay the bills, to live.”

The workers complain that “these systematic delays affect the economic and emotional lives of some 130 workers”, regretting the silence on the part of the Global Media Group.

“It should be noted that with the sale of several of the group’s titles, at the end of July, Global Media received millions of euros”they finished.

The president of the Bel group and shareholder of Global Media said, in statements to Lusa on July 31, that “a lot of determination was needed” to carry out the operations of the last two days, which amount to “more than 20 million euros.”

On that day, the State bought 45.71% of the shares of Global Media and Páginas Civilizada in Lusa for 2.49 million euros, thus holding 95.86% of the capital of the news agency, after the sale the day before to Jornal de Notícias (JN) and TSF, among other Global Media shares to Notícias Ilimitadas (NI) and the purchase of the position held by the WOF (World Opportunity Fund) in Páginas Civilizados.

“It was more than a marathon, it was one of those marathons that take place over several days, one per day. It was a very difficult negotiation. There had to be a lot of determination, a lot of resilience in all the teams, from lawyers, global administrators, partners, financiers of the sale,” said Marco Galinha, who is also a shareholder of Páginas Civilizados, at the end of the conclusion of the sale of the position in Lusa.

Source: Observadora

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