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Patricia Gasper. “It is not necessary to re-enable the alert situation”

Portugal will not return to the alert situation in the coming days, according to statements by Patrícia Gaspar, Secretary of State for Civil Protection, in the instructions held at the end of this Sunday morning.

This morning a balance has been made of what the weather forecasts are for the next few days. We will find ourselves with a typical summer scenario”, began by saying Patrícia Gaspar.

The official stressed that “the wind will increase, especially in the interior regions of the North and Center, and also in the Baixo Alentejo and the Algarve, but that this scenario will be offset by a drop in temperatures, although not significant.”

So, in this scenario, “it was considered not necessary to re-enable the alert communication”assured the Secretary of State, after meeting with members of the government areas of National Defense, Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Health, Environment and Climate Action and Agriculture and Food, to assess weather conditions and the risk of fire.

“The means are sufficient.” Beja and Faro pass red alert

Patricia Gaspar assured that the “The means on the ground will be sufficient to deal with incidents that may arise.

This idea was corroborated by André Fernandes, National Commander of Emergency and Civil Protection: “We maintain the prepositioning of media in the North and Center regions, in the interior of the country.”

Even so, according to the commander, “the districts of Beja and Faro” will be, next Monday and Tuesday, in fire danger “red alert”.

Fire production conditions are maintained. We want to guarantee the amount of reduction in the number of ignitions, something that we have been achieving in recent days”, concluded André Fernandes.

Mainland Portugal was, until Thursday, on alert for the risk of fires. Although the situation was not declared again, the Civil Protection device remained on the ground at full capacity.

Source: Observadora

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