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Trump slams PGA round for years of stingy paying players as LIV opens with ‘BLOW’

Former President Donald Trump took several hits on the PGA Tour to finally take care of his players before the start of the fledgling LIV professional golf league.

For all his primary activities, Trump took a few moments to celebrate the PGA’s recent decision to increase their wallet value and take steps to better serve players.

“As the LIV Tour opens to a huge bang, it’s interesting to see the PGA Tour finally starting to treat their players fairly,” Trump said on Wednesday on his Truth Social account.

Trump pointed out that the time has come to remove excess management oil from the organization of the PGA Tour.

“Eventually they have increased the wallets of the players and I’m sure they will soon cut their massive executive salaries to keep things running,” the former president said.

Trump also has a warning for the PGA tour.

“Gamers are asking now, but why haven’t they upgraded their wallets for so long? Also, what about the extremely important tax-exempt status that the PGA Tour enjoys? “Trump’s conclusion.

Of course, wallet values ​​are a big concern for players and the fact that Saudi-backed LIV has bigger wins makes the new league so appealing. That’s why top golfers like Brooks Kepka, Phil Mickelson, Dustin Johnson, and Bryson DeChambeau have left the PGA Tour ship.

Golfer Brooks Koepka (Sam Greenwood/Getty Images)

The LIV, the first game of the American league tournament, kicks off this week at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club in Portland, Oregon.

Source: Breitbart

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