HomeSportsPoll: Most Americans oppose men playing women's sports

Poll: Most Americans oppose men playing women’s sports

Most American men oppose allowing women to play sports, according to a new NPR/Ipsos poll.

Sixty-three percent of the 1,028 American adults surveyed oppose the participation of trans athletes in women’s and women’s sports, and 24 percent support the idea. 43% are “strong” against men allowing women to exercise, and 20% are “somewhat against”.

Along the party line, 88 percent of Republicans oppose and four percent support allowing transgender athletes to participate in women’s and women’s sports. Democrats are more evenly divided against 41% and support 46%. 63% of independent voters oppose and 21% support it.

The NPR/Ipsos survey also asked respondents about “gender reassignment medical care” for minors, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and a more subtle way of talking about permanent sex reassignment surgery. According to the survey, 47 percent of voters oppose blocking “access to gender reassignment services” for confused youth, while 31 percent support it.

GOP voters are more in favor of laws banning gender reassignment treatment for minors, 55 to 24 percent. Democrats oppose such laws 67% to 14%, while independents 45% to 29%.

The results of the NPR/Ipsos survey on the law on the treatment of transgender minors differ greatly from the results of other recent surveys on this topic. A poll by Summit Ministries/McLaughlin and Associates in May found that 90 percent of US voters oppose permanent gender reassignment procedures for minors and believe they should wait until they come of age. 64% said they see being “transgender” as an unhealthy condition.

Another recent survey The American Principles Project (APP) found that 63 percent of respondents agreed that children are too young to decide for themselves whether they are ready to have sex reassignment surgery.

The NPR/Ipsos survey also revealed that most Americans oppose the classification of youth reassignment treatment as “child abuse”; this is a clear blow to Texas’ attempt to classify it that way. Forty-five percent of respondents opposed the labeling of gender reassignment treatment for minors as “child abuse,” while 26 percent supported it.

By political opinion, GOP voters are more likely to view “gender-approved care” as child abuse, compared to 13 percent of Democrats and 23 percent of independent voters.

Overall, another poll released this week shows that six in ten Americans reject radical gender ideology and believe gender is determined by biology.

The survey was conducted from June 10-12, 2022 and had a ±3.3 percent margin of error based on a 95 percent confidence level.

Source: Breitbart

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