HomeSportsPorto hosts the World Battle 2022 where breaking will...

Porto hosts the World Battle 2022 where breaking will be the king sport

The World Battle 2022, one of the biggest competitions in ripsport that will be at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, starts this Thursday in Porto (north of Portugal) and between 600 and 800 athletes from all over the world are expected.

In an interview with the Lusa agency, Max Oliveira, organizer of the World Battle 2022 with MXM, reveals that the sporting and cultural event will bring together between 600 and 800 athletes from around the world in the city of Porto and that among the finalists of the World Battle will be the athletes who will go to the 2024 Paris Olympics.

World Battle 2022, which takes place between September 1 and 4 in the city of Porto“It has an estimated participation of 600 to 800 athletes, from more than 50 nationalities, and there may be a Portuguese participation of 30 to 50 participants,” said Max Oliveira.

“As the OQS (Olympic Qualifier Series/Olympic Qualification) is not yet underway, this is one of the events that will be attended by officials from the World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF) and it is one of the events that is on the global look to prepare athletes for the Olympic goal,” said Max Oliveira, who added that this World Battle will bring together “several” athletes who will participate in Paris 2024 and that these athletes will “face” in the sporting and cultural aspect.

Although this event does not serve for Olympic qualifications, the battles of rip which will be held until September 4 at the Coliseu do Porto “the future Olympic champion may emerge”, declared the organizer.

The World Battle of Porto is a “very important event” for athletes That is why representatives of the World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF) come, such as the general secretary of the Olympic Confederation, Sergey Nifontov, explains Max Oliveira.

The Olympics have people already classified, here is a process openit is open to the world and that is why it takes four days and when people arrive on Sunday, at the Coliseu do Porto, it is already cream of the cream“, he described, mentioning that in this event two people from the same country can even reach the final”

Max Oliveira explains that the World Battle in the coming months/years will become “one of the most important sporting events in the world that will make athletes face each other and prepare for the Olympic Games”.

Here, with absolute certainty, several of the participants of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will be present, from different countries, there will be several delegations from different countries and, from here, and it is very likely that many of the winners coincide with some of the winners of the Olympic Games in Paris, because the level is that“.

According to information provided on the World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF) website on August 10, the period for qualifications of the rip for Paris2024 they are “in process” and the approved deadline is between July 2022 and June 2024.

“The qualification period will culminate in the Olympic Qualifier Series (OQS), a new IOC-led Olympic qualification series for Breaking, Freestyle BMX, Skateboarding and Sport Climbing, taking place from March to June 2024, just one month away. from the start of Paris 2024, which will take place from July 26 to August 11 of that year,” reads the WDSF website.

In total, 16 b-girls and 16 b-boys will compete in 1v1 battles at Paris 2024.

the 32 switches will qualify for the Olympic Games as follows: 20 (10 b-girls and 10 b-boys) through the Olympic Qualifying Series (OQS); 10 (5 b-girls and 5 b-boys) directly through Games and continental championships and 2 (1 b-girl and 1 b-boy) directly from the 2023 World Dance Sport Federation world championship.

According to Max Oliveira, there will be several platforms to determine the athletes who will go to Paris 2024: continental platforms, the world championship and the classification.

“Through these different platforms for access to the Olympic Games, 32 athletes -16 men and 16 women- will effectively be classified, who will also respond to the Olympic criteria that have to do with gender equality, but also territorial, because it is the representation of continents or the maximum number of participants per nationality per country. It will represent all the Olympic criteria and it is the sum of all these platforms, like winning the world championship, being present in a very high position in the classificationor win any of the events that will add points”, explained

EITHER rip It is considered an Olympic sport and integrates the range of disciplines in competition at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

The event will bring together in Porto some of the most recognized b-boys and b-girls in the world who come to participate in the competitions. rip on September 3 and 4, at the Hard Club and at the Coliseu do Porto, respectively.

The main event is the final battle on September 4, which will take place at the Coliseu Porto Ageas.

The World Battle 2022 will also provide dance lovers between 1 and 4 Workshops dance with various styles at the MXM Art Center, located on Rua do Ouro.

The event, which is more than 16 years old and was born as Eurobattle, was renamed The World Battle about four years ago, due to the adhesion of all the continents.

Source: Observadora

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