The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Velina Todorova expressed “concern about the exploitation of minors in Ukraine for the sale of prohibited substances and the production of pornography,” according to a report by members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child. Child.”

“Given the current situation, there is a need to be more vigilant about the risks of child exploitation in all areas,” she said in a statement, stressing that “the exploitation of minors in the sale of illegal materials and the production of pornography in Ukraine is a cause for concern.”

Todorova stated that “Ukrainian legislation does not contain any legal status for child asylum seekers, which deprives them of the opportunity to enjoy certain rights”, noting that “children’s right to privacy is violated not only by the media, but also by the authorities.”

The coordinator of the working group set up by the committee to continue reviewing Ukraine’s report, Braggy Goodbrandson, also expressed “regret that many parents in Ukraine believe that emotional abuse of a child is acceptable for educational purposes.”