Tag: Ukrainian crisis

Erdogan: We call on Greece to be wise and stay away from actions and dreams that will lead to regret

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Greece to "be wise and refrain from actions and dreams that will lead to regret" and called on...

Di Maio warned about the blockade of Ukrainian ports: blocking wheat exports could cause millions of deaths

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio warned against a blockade of Ukrainian ports, explaining that “the coming weeks will be critical to resolving the...

Merkel: There is no point in me mediating a settlement in Ukraine now

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed that she "sees no point in her mediation in the Ukrainian crisis, and that Kyiv did not ask...

UNICEF: Food crisis threatens to increase child mortality in Horn of Africa

The UN News Center quoted UNICEF Deputy Regional Director for East and South Africa Rania Dagash as warning UNICEF of an "inevitable explosion" in...

British poll: more than half of citizens support Johnson’s resignation

A UK poll showed that more than half of Britons believe that Conservative MPs should vote for the resignation of Prime Minister Boris Johnson....

Global Times: The Western alliance is suffering losses due to the failure of its economic war against Russia

The Chinese newspaper Global Times notes that "the Western alliance against Russia is becoming increasingly unreliable, as its members suffer practical losses due to...

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