Tag: Ukrainian crisis

AFP: Leaders of Turkey, Finland and Sweden discuss joining NATO in Spain

"A Quartet meeting took place in Madrid, which was attended by the leaders of Turkey, Sweden and Finland, as well as the Secretary General...

Red Cross: Famine and drought have created a global migration emergency

The Red Cross said "the war in Ukraine is having a significant impact on the European continent, where, two years after the start of...

Bennett: The agreement to export gas through Egypt is historic and strengthens our economy and makes us a key player in the energy market

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett pointed out that "for the first time in history, Israel is cooperating with Egypt and exporting gas to the...

Serbian Foreign Ministry: We will not take action against Moscow, which supports and protects us in the Security Council

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Silaković stated that "Serbia will not take action against Moscow, which it supports and defends in the Security Council", and...

Abul Gheit: Great power confrontation is coming, and the ideology in the Western world is frightening

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit commented on the Ukrainian crisis and its aftermath, indicating that "it will continue for a long time"...

The Telegraph: British food industry is on the verge of collapse due to rising energy prices

The British newspaper The Telegraph reported in its report that "the British food industry is on the verge of collapse due to the high...

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