HomeTechnologyRussians train artificial intelligence to choose the best skincare

Russians train artificial intelligence to choose the best skincare

Russian scientists have created a system to select the best skin care of the face, nails and hair. It is based on computer vision, artificial intelligence and big data.

Russian scientists have developed a system to select facial skin types, nail and hair care, as well as diet, vitamins and over -the -counter medications based on a photograph. The system initiated test studies in 14 Russian stores.

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The press office said the system works based on a database and a photo that the user uploads to the computer, and after processing, the best care is determined for the parts of the human body with problems. “The database contains over 250,000 photos of skin problems, 65,000 photos of nail problems, 60,000 faces and 11,000 cosmetic products.”

Yevgeny Sobolev, one of the owners of the project, said, “In today’s world, there are two competing systems of our product, with good technologies for diagnosing problems faced and focus on successful market sales. , like us. We choose not to be careful according to brands, but by using ingredients with proven scientific properties “.

“Every month we monitor the dynamics of changes, adjust maintenance types and identify issues in different areas. We were the first to bring this technology to retail, ”he added.

He also noted that the results of the previously developed skin testing project for “Covid-19” form the basis of current development. “Based on the results of the technical launch, we have been able to significantly increase sales of facial cosmetics,” he said.

Source: RIA Novosti

Source: Arabic RT

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