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Brazil moves towards the creation of a regional security center for the Amazon

The Brazilian president, Lula da Silva, announced this Monday new investments to accelerate the implementation of a security center in the Amazon that will be made up of all the countries in the region and international police organizations.

At the event, 318 million reais (54.8 million euros) were announced for the structuring of this security center, which will come from the Amazon Fund, dedicated to protecting the biome and which is funded by donations from several countries, including Germany. and Norway.

“Never before in the history of Brazil has a contract been signed by so many people and never before has it been thought of taking such an extraordinary step to care for the Amazon as is being done now,” emphasized the Brazilian President.

The future Amazon Center for International Police Cooperation (CPPI) will be based in the Brazilian city of Manaus and will have agents from Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela, which share the Amazon region, as well as organizations such as Interpol, Ameripol and Europol.

The investment will be part of a security plan for the Amazon that was announced last year and which aims, among other objectives, to provide the CPPI with the necessary equipment to combat illegal mining, wood smuggling, drug trafficking and human beings, among other transnational crimes. crimes.

“From the CPPI it will be possible to coordinate, support and provide tactical and operational support to actions to combat organized crime throughout the region,” said the director of the Brazilian Federal Police, Andrei Rodrigues.

According to Environment Minister Marina Silva, strengthening the fight against crime in the Amazon will also serve to support the goal set by the Brazilian government to completely eliminate illegal deforestation in the region by 2030.

Source: Observadora

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