HomeTechnologyLive/ Intense night with several active fires in Portugal

Live/ Intense night with several active fires in Portugal

Key moments

  • The A24 reopens in Vila Pouca de Aguiar. 12 roads and highways are closed

  • Sonia, Paulo and Susana. The Oliveirinha “family” that died in the fire

  • Several active fires in Portugal. More than 400 agents at the Albergaria-a-Velha fire

  • Maximum risk of rural fire in more than 50 municipalities on the continent

Live updates

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  • The A24 reopens in Vila Pouca de Aguiar. 12 roads and highways are closed

    The A24 has been reopened in the Vila Pouca de Aguiar area. However, four motorways and eight roads remain closed, according to a GNR source.


    – A43: cut between Gondomar and A41

    – A41: cut between Medas and Aguiar de Sousa


    – A11: Fallen King Knot Cut

    – A25: complete cut, between Albergaria and Reigoso (Viseu)

    – EN16: total cut between Cacia and Sever do Vouga

    – EN333: total cut between Talhadas and Águeda

    – N228: Figueira Alva complete cut – Fermentel

    – EN231: Complete cut of Vila Viçosa and Mourelos (Cinfães)

    – N222: Oliveira do Douro and Freigil

    – N225: Total cut between Cabril and Pinheiros


    – N102: Bragança total cut

    – IC2: complete Fortes and Trindade cut

  • Sonia, Paulo and Susana. The Oliveirinha “family” that died in the fire

    “Everyone was experienced and familiar.” Paulo, Sónia and Susana died fighting the fire in Tábua. Vila Nova de Oliveirinha is in mourning.

  • Several active fires in Portugal. More than 400 agents at the Albergaria-a-Velha fire

    Information from the Civil Protection website indicates that there are currently 113 occurrences of forest fires in the country involving 5,160 operators.

    The fires in Albergaria-a-Velha and Valmaior are particularly noteworthy, with 406 operational and 125 ground resources involved. Also noteworthy is the fire in Pessegueiro do Vouga, where there are 325 operators accompanied by 102 ground resources.

    Now in Tábua, in Coimbra, where 253 operational personnel and 82 land vehicles are fighting the flames.

  • Maximum risk of rural fire in more than 50 municipalities on the continent

    More than 50 municipalities in nine districts on the mainland are currently at maximum risk of fire due to the warm weather, according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA).

    More than 50 municipalities in the districts of Faro, Portalegre, Santarém, Castelo Branco, Leiria, Coimbra, Guarda, Braga and Bragança are at maximum risk of fire.

    According to IPMA, several municipalities in all districts of mainland Portugal present a very high and elevated risk of fire.

    This risk, determined by IPMA, has five levels, ranging from low to maximum. The calculations are obtained from air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and the amount of precipitation in the last 24 hours.

    IPMA forecasts dry weather for today on the continent with partly cloudy skies and moderate to strong easterly winds until late morning in the North and Central regions and a slight drop in minimum temperatures.

    The highest maximum temperature expected for today will be reached in Santarém with 32, followed by Leiria, Coimbra and Braga with 31 and in Évora 30.

  • Good morning, welcome to the liveblog where we will follow the main developments regarding the active fires in Portugal.

    Stay with us and catch up on yesterday’s main events in the previous liveblog.

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Source: Observadora

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