The American website Axios, citing sources, said that “Washington asked Israel to avoid any actions that cause tension in the West Bank and Jerusalem until the visit of US President Joe Biden.”

And earlier, the White House said in an official statement that “U.S. President Joe Biden will visit the Middle East from July 13 to 16 to strengthen the strong commitment of the United States to the security and prosperity of Israel, and attend the Gulf Cooperation Council Summit in addition to Egypt , Iraq and Jordan.

He noted that Biden “will meet with his counterparts from across the region to advance the security, economic and diplomatic interests of the United States. He will begin his journey to Israel, where he will meet with Israeli leaders to discuss Israel’s security and prosperity.” , and increased integration into the larger region. He will also visit the West Bank to consult with the Palestinian Authority and reaffirm his support.” A strong decision to create two states with equal measures of security, freedom and opportunity for the Palestinian people.